Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hey Mickey, or Tate

Well, I'm in the talent show, again! If you seen my last act, it was pretty funny. But this year, it's going to be different. My moves this year and last year was done by my good friend Tricia. Click on MICKEY to hear the music I'm dancing to. Oh, one hint, Tate is mickey. Give you a clue of a famous song? :-) PS- Talent show is on Friday.


kathyhoward800 said...

I can hardly wait to see what you for this year!!> I will be there.

Grandma Kathy

there's always something.. said...

very creative!!!! you got me! because i was scrolling and i saw it then i tried to go back and i couldn't find it!! good job!

kennedy said...

:) Thanks.